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The Development Course 2009 · The company is founded, lED display manufacturer and wholesaler 2012 · December 2012 awarded the top 10 channel building brands of “LED Display Industry Brand Gala”· September 2012 participated in the 16th Photoelectric Expo · March 2012 · March 2012 · Company scale expansion 2015 · Delesheng Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan established 2016 · Dongguan production base expanded to 15 production lines 2017 · Smart Lamp Poles: Multi-pole integration, 2018 · Emergency Command Center Urban Management, should command center information infrastructure and information environment construction 2020 · Intelligent Transportation: Intelligent Transportation, intelligent Fire Protection: Data Fusion, precise prevention and control, Responsibility Implementation Smart Park: efficient operation and management, intelligent security system, innovation Industry Ecology 2022 · SMART Education: Smart Education focuses on education informationization, constructs the regional education informationization platform and the application, realizes the education system, the internal integration management, realizes the data interconnection, we will improve the ability to supervise and provide better services in education, modernize educational management, make decisions more scientific, and provide internet-based services. We will improve education and public services, and achieve barrier-free communication and resource sharing at all levels. 2022 future development: committed to become a leading smart city construction services
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