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Huawei‘s "power cut off", led enterprises speed up the layout of the third generation semiconductor

Time:2020-09-21 Views:538
Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei‘s consumer business, said bluntly at the 2020 summit of China‘s 100 people‘s Conference on Information Technology: Huawei will not have chips available. Yu Chengdong said that Huawei will release new 5g mobile phones of the brand mate 40 series this autumn, and choose to carry Kirin 9000 series chips. However, this series of mobile phones may become the last generation to carry Huawei‘s Kirin chip. Due to the second round of U.S. sanctions against Huawei, Kirin 9000 series chips may become the last generation of Kirin high-end chips, out of print. The reason, Yu Chengdong said very clearly: at present, the domestic semiconductor technology has not caught up. As Yu Chengdong said, Huawei represents the difficult road that China‘s chip industry has gone through, from being seriously backward, to a little backward, to catching up, and then to leading. However, the U.S. government wants to destroy all foreign companies that are ahead of American companies, so Huawei has been suppressed by the United States with its national strength. It‘s glorious and tragic.
However, the high-tech threshold of the third-generation semiconductor technology leads to the oligopoly of Japan, the United States and Europe, and other economies continue to increase the investment in compound semiconductor. In 2018, the United States, the European Union and other countries and organizations launched more than 15 R & D projects, of which the United States has the largest R & D support. In 2018, DOE, DARPA, NASA and power USA In order to maintain the leading position of the United States in the field of third-generation semiconductors, American and other institutions have developed research projects related to the third generation semiconductor, with a total funding of more than 400 million US dollars, involving optoelectronics, radio frequency and power electronics. In addition, the European Union has launched the "Serena" project and the "5ggan2 & rdquo; project to seize the opportunity of 5g development.
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