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Landscape lighting leader AICA shares listed today, with a market value of 8.9 billion

Time:2020-09-18 Views:464
AICA shares were officially listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange today, with the stock code 300889. The stock performed well in the listing, with an opening of 336%, 138%, and 107% higher, and the market value of Aike shares reached 8.9 billion.It is reported that AICA started to subscribe on September 7th, 39,000,000 shares were publicly issued, the issue price: 27.97 yuan / share, single account subscription limit is 11,000 shares, top grid subscription requires a market value of 110,000 yuan.LED landscape lighting is a multidisciplinary high-tech field involving material device development, optical structure design, electronic circuits, lamp development, lighting effects and visual matching, etc. Its realization is based on light management, thermal management, structure, control and drive Based on various application-side technologies. Since its establishment, AICA has always attached importance to basic research and application innovation. After years of product development, technological innovation and accumulation, it has mastered a series of related product core technologies.
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