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What is a small spacing full-color LED screen? What types of small spacing do you have?

Time:2019-06-29 Views:848
In fact, in our daily life, we often see the LED display screen, whether it is roadside shops, concerts, or the surrounding buildings and hotels are equipped with LED electronic display screen, but most of those are using traditional large-spacing LED display screen, whether large-spacing LED display screen or small-spacing full-color LED screen, in our life the usage rate is still quite high. With the maturity of the technology of small spacing full-color LED screen, the manufacturers of LED display screen have also turned their eyes to a broader application market of indoor high-definition full-color small spacing full-color LED screen.
So what exactly is a small spacing full-color LED screen? How to define it? Because the small spacing full-color LED screen can display a higher resolution picture in the same size, and it also has more features such as higher refresh, low power consumption, high color gamut, no shadow, etc. It is more in line with the effect requirements of modern advertisers and users on the LED display screen. LED display is made up of LED beads, and the small spacing LED display is the spacing between two lights is smaller. The traditional definition of the product of LED display is the spacing between two lights. For example, the spacing between two lights is 10 mm for P10 and 8 mm for P8, and so on.
With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid progress of technology, small spacing full-color LED screen was born. The common recognition in our industry is that the spacing of points below P2.5 (including P2.5) is collectively called small spacing full-color LED screen. At present, in the mass production of small spacing full-color LED screen, the smallest spacing LED screen has P1.25P1.5625P1.667P1.875P1.904P2 small spacing full-color LED screen.
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