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LED indoor and outdoor display

P1.875 indoor small spacing

Small spacing LED display screen refers to the indoor LED display screen with LED point spacing less than 2.5mm, mainly including p2.0, p1.875, p1.923, p1.904, p1.875, p1.667 and other LED display products. With the improvement of LED display manufacturing technology, the resolution of traditional LED display has been greatly improved. The characteristics of small spacing LED are small screen point spacing and high resolution per unit area. It can display more high-definition graphics and video, also can display more video and image images, especially in the application of image splicing, can achieve seamless and arbitrary large-area splicing. Of course, in order to achieve the ideal display effect, the small spacing LED display can not do without the auxiliary role of the video processor.
    P1.875-32S 室内LED显示屏主要技术参数
    物理点间距1.875㎜  单元板尺寸240X240㎜ 单元箱体尺寸480×480×75(mm)
    物理密度284444点/㎡ 发光点颜色 1R1G1B 单元板分辨率 128*128=16384DOTS
    单元板重量 - kg
    箱体分辨率256*256 箱体面积0.2304m² 压铸铝箱体重量6.7KG±0.05KG
    最佳视距1m~28m 可视角度水平≧160°可选 垂直≥140°可选
    平均功耗<400W/㎡ 最大功耗<800w/㎡ 控制方式:同步控制
    显示卡 DVI显卡 驱动方式 1/32扫描 换幁频率 ≧60Hz
    刷新频率≧3840Hz 白平衡亮度 ≧1000cd/㎡ 换帧频率≧50/60
    亮度调节方式 驱动IC:ICN2053/MBI5153 16级可调
    平均无故障时间 ≧5000小时 寿命 75000~100000小时 像素失控率  <0.0002件
    项目分类 PH1.875 封装形式 三合一 LED封装方式 1515
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