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Global third generation semiconductor industry pattern

Time:2020-09-22 Views:457
In China, advanced semiconductor materials have risen to the national strategic level, and the target penetration rate will exceed 50% in 2025. The underlying materials and technology are the basic science of semiconductor development. In 2025 China manufacturing, we have made target plans for the third generation semiconductor single crystal substrate, optoelectronic devices / modules, power electronic devices / modules, radio frequency devices / modules, etc. It is mentioned in the task objective that the localization rate of 5g communication and efficient energy management will reach 50% in 2025, and the scale application in new energy vehicles and consumer electronics will be realized, and the penetration rate in general lighting market will reach more than 80%.
At present, the third generation semiconductor materials have gradually penetrated into 5g, new energy vehicles, green lighting and other emerging fields, which is considered as an important development direction of the semiconductor industry. In the future, 5g‘s demand for high-power RF, the demand for high-efficiency, light, small and fast charging of mobile phones and laptops will break out in 2020-2021, and the demand for deep ultraviolet UVC will be concentrated in 2020. In the medium and long term, the three types of demand are facing the blue ocean market of Gan devices, which has considerable growth space.
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